Welcome to BadHacks.net!

Latest Update: 14th June 2009

If you came here hoping to find a well executed difficulty hack for Super Mario World, a lovingly crafted graphics hack of Zelda 3 or maybe an accurate translation of a Japanese RPG, prepare to be disappointed. This site solely caters for crass mutilations that nobody else wants to deal with. Expect foul language, warped logic, and crude 8-bit nudity. Prepare to journey into worlds crafted by the mentally disturbed and chronically lazy. You have been warned.

If you don't know how to get the hacks featured on this site to work, please check the FAQ. If you have any questions about ROM hacking, such as how to do it or why you would want to, again please read the FAQ. Reviews of ROM hacks, interviews with hackers & Ray N.'s comics can be found on the Features page. I also recommend that you check out our excellent History of ROM Hacking. If you have a monstrous hack you would like to have included on the site, please drop us a line via the Contact page.

That's it. Enjoy!

-- Webmaster