
14th June 2009 - Update

This Google Sites changeover is taking longer than I expected. While we wait, here - have two more hacks. Both submitted by RAH, and at least one made by him (so it seems): Master Shake Slak Hack, Master Shake Cowboy Killa.



22nd May 2009 - Update

To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the launch of his hacking career, unknown has written an enlightening article on the little-appreciated thematic content of his work, with particular focus on his debut piece Pussy City Pimps. Personally, I hope this will inspire further scholarly discussion of the rest of unknown's canon.

And if that wasn't enough, some guy has furnished us with a code that renders a character in Dead or Alive 2 naked.



25th April 2009 - Update

Again with delays. Still, k0k0's Red Rocket is worth waiting for. It's a lovingly tainted hack of Earthbound Zero that animal lovers might object to. Or might really like, depending on the kind of animal love they're into. I don't know. Look at it.

For those who don't already know, BHDN is a Google Pages site; Google have just informed me that the site is about to be migrated to Google Sites automatically, which means it will become even more bland and ugly looking. I'm going to try to relocate it elsewhere. I'll keep you posted.



3rd April 2009 - Update

First update in a while. I am busy in the real world. Here, have your childhood memories tainted by The Noodies. You're welcome.




17th March 2009 - Update

Just the one hack today due to me being a busy man. It's a good one though - Jackass' rediscovered Clinton Kong. Go play.



10th March 2009 - Update

Mr T Ate My Balls - the latest hack from k0k0. I've just realised that's the fourth one he's released in less than two months. The man is prolific.

Plus a selection of oldies courtesy of HispanikPanik as usual - WWF Tennis, Penisian and Ass Climber.



7th March 2009 - Update

I have returned. I give you Hax0r Kyo's Naked Headless Mario Fights the Dick Nazis: Subsistence - Disc 2. I am serious.

That package contains four different hacks and fits within an already created page, so there ends my site work for today. Thanks, Hax0r Kyo.



1st March 2009 - Update

Two more hacks for you people to stare at: Super Cigarette Bros and Super Abe Bros 3, both anonymous. Thanks once more to HispanikPanik for his efforts.

I'm going on holiday so there won't be any updates for a few days. Try to keep it together, okay?



25th February 2009 - All is well stopped working for a couple of days due to confusion on the part of the host. The matter has been resolved. Do not panic. Anyway, the site was always available to the cool kids who went straight to the googlepages address. What's wrong with the rest of you?

To celebrate our return to equilibrium, I suggest you play Hax0r Kyo's Naked Headless Mario Fights the Dick Nazis: Subsistence.



23rd February 2009 - Let's Play Bad Hacks!

BenSerwa attempts to review Dick Tales, but loses his shit and humiliates himself in the process. Hilarious.



20th February 2009 - Update

Three more hacks - long overdue horror-fest Ernie and the Muppets Take It All Off, Super Mario Land hack Super Naked Fat Fuck and the bad taste Osama Hunt. Thanks to both HispanikPanik & Hax0r Kyo for sending in Osama Hunt.



17th February 2009 - Update

Three more hacks added - k0k0's latest Ninja Gayden, Godman's classic Cutman's Bad Scizzors Day and the anonymous Super Bizarrio Bros.



15th February 2009 - Let's Play Bad Hacks!

We've had text-based hack reviews on BHDN since almost day one, and linked to gameplay videos since last November courtesy of Ray N.'s 'ROM Hack Showcase'. It seems like a natural next step to have video-based hack reviews.

A review conducted by an experienced bad hack veteran would be dull. However, a review conducted by an unsuspecting innocent not used to such horrors - that would be entertaining.

With that aim in mind, I'm starting a new BHDN feature - Let's Play Bad Hacks! - where I'll post clips of people attempting to review shitty hacks, only to quickly succumb to disgust and regret.

Exhibit #1 and a good example of what this is about -destructivecactus' review of Gay Ghostfuckers 2:


13th February 2009 - Update

Three more hacks added - k0k0's Suckday Fuckday (complete with filthy nonsensical karaoke), the straightforward Skeletonbike and the uninspired Super Penio Bros. Thanks again to HispanikPanik for forwarding the last two.

For anyone reading this who missed the news, BHDN now has its own message board. Go crazy, register, post something. Or don't.


11th February 2009 - Update

New review of Naked Headless Mario Fights the Dick Nazis by Webmaster. Look.

There are several hacks lined up for the next update. Be patient.


8th February 2009 - Update

I've had a few people email me and ask about the possibility of a BHDN message board in the past. My response was always along the lines of 'no way, I'd just have to spend all day deleting nonsense written by maniacs'.

I've now had enough queries about it to tip the scales, so
here you go. I don't know how long it will last, or whether anyone will use it, but there it is. Email me if you have any suggestions for improvements.


28th January 2009 - Update

More hacks added. Check out Jew Fighter, Pimpeye, SARS Kung Fu and, my personal favourite, Naked Headless Mario Fights the Dick Nazis. Unbelievable.

Thanks to HispanikPanik for sending in Pimpeye & SARS Kung Fu. Together we are all building a huge pile of garbage.


23rd January 2009 - Update

BHDN once hosted a hack called n00d Raider. It was quietly removed from the site in September of last year, and the circumstances surrounding this can now be revealed. An anonymous individual associated with the hack has written an article entitled Madman Days which covers the whole sad mess.

n00d Raider also returns to BHDN in the form of n00d Raider: Special Drama Crap Edition, credited to John Smith this time around. Enjoy.


5th January 2009 - Happy New Year!

This update comes later than planned. It's a busy time of year.

Anyway, I'm devoting this update to one hack only: unknown's latest masterpiece, Abnormal Family. As has become standard practise with unknown, the music and the manual have been thoroughly hacked as well as the graphics and text. Even elements of the gameplay have been changed. In short, you must check this out. You will be stunned on many levels.

More hacks to come next time, plus an unusual feature.


21st December 2008 - Merry Christmas!

It's time for an early Christmas gift in the form of a larger-than-usual dose of badness.

First off, unknown commemorates over a year of BHDN with his thorough review of the epic Super Nazi Penis Cartel Freedom Fighters 1337.

If that doesn't turn your seasonal goodwill to nausea and despair, then Shitdic's Final Fantasy Erection will probably do the job.

Finish yourself off with some old school debasement courtesy of Goldengun's Donkey Kong Stripped Princess.

Look out for an extra treat just before New Year. Meantime, try to have a Merry Christmas, okay?


11th December 2008 - Update

I've been busy elsewhere. New hack added, and it's a strange one - Bolivia '96!. Kindly sent in by some anonymous person. Thanks.

Ray N. has expanded his 'ROM Hack Showcase' to ten titles now. See the videos. Feel the horror.

Also updated Golden Axe 3 nude hack description - hacker has been identified as tem(A). Knowledge is power.


29th November 2008 - Update

Another couple of hacks have been added - Jonathan Hughson's Streets of Rage 3 Ash Patch and the anonymous & pointless Dead Bubble Bobble

Also, Ray N. has started a 'ROM Hack Showcase' series on Youtube. So far he has covered How To Waste Time on the Internet and Dick Tales. It's worth a look.

Finally, a belated 'hello' to the thousands of Kotaku readers who've been visiting the site recently. Traffic is up 2,251% right now. Madness.


16th November 2008 - Update

Two more hacks added for your amusement: an untitled hack of Golden Axe 3 that renders swordswoman Sarah Barn pretty much naked, and the crass classic Cum Fu. Go investigate.


7th November 2008 - Update

Wow. Three months without an update. Changes will be more regular from now on.

Things are beginning to move again. Expect a new review shortly and, possibly, an interesting story. I will say no more.

In the meantime, enjoy three fresh hacks; Yuifa's Urban Champion (Nudegirl Hack), Dr Floppy's latest Super Nazi Penis Cartel Freedom Fighters 1337 and Shitdic's Gay Ghostfuckers 2. There is a lot to see and do.


2nd August 2008 - Update

A month has passed, so have an update. Two new hacks added, both submitted by hacker Jackass: Blac-Man and Sonny Bono's Ski Adventure. Much bad kicks and sick despair on offer, so go amuse yourself.


2nd July 2008 - Update

A decent update this time around! A new review by unknown of Pimpin Extasy, plus two brand new Super Mario Bros hacks: Super Goatse Bros and Super Nazi Bros. I know, it's incredible.


20th June 2008 - Update

Two new hacks added today: Dick Tales by B. Dicke and Bionic Hippy by defgav. The Dick Tales story was written by BHDN's own resident artist Ray N., so that should be reason enough to check it out. Also, thanks to HispanikPanik for sending in Bionic Hippy.


5th June 2008 - Update

First update in over a month. I am a busy man, and I will continue to be busy for some time. 'New' bad hacks seem to be thin on the ground anyway, so that's another reason for lack of regular updates.

For now, why not enjoy the horrible Metal Queer and see how much of it you can stomach?


1st May 2008 - Updates

Behold! Episode 5 of the BadHack saga, the final part of this particular story. Hopefully Ray N. has more adventures in store for these warped characters. On the hack front, go stare at PokeKnife.


24th April 2008 - Updates

The penultimate instalment in the Badhack Saga is now available for your reading pleasure: Episode 4 - Boner Up! Also added today is Princess Peach Toadstool, a confusing hack of SMB2. That's it.


18th April 2008 - Updates

Lots of good stuff today. unknown has written a review of the enigmatic Sickey Spice, the third episode of Ray N.'s Badhack Saga is now up, plus P3:Industry's horrendous Super Fag Bros 3 has been added to the hack list. Look at all of it.


12th April 2008 - Updates

Episode 2 of the Badhack Saga, 'Megafag', is now up! Read it here. This particular story will be 5 episodes long, with the remaining 3 episodes being added to the site over the next few weeks. After that, who knows? Credit again to Ray N. for his work.


6th April 2008 - Updates

Ray N. has started a comic feature for BHDN called 'The Badhack Saga'. The first instalment is available for your enjoyment here. When will episode 2 follow? I don't know. I look forward to it.

Other updates: three more hacks added, being Pokecide, The Adventures of Bullshit Billy and Pope Hentai's September the Twenty-Seventh. Go look.


25th March 2008 - Updates

Other hacks added today: Gumsmoke: The Parody and Pope Hentai's Wilford Brimley Battle.


11th March 2008 - Updates

Three more sorry hacks added: Jailbait, Skinhead on Ice and the disappointing Bubble Bobble Shitmongers.


1st March 2008 - Updates

Welcome to March! Go read this review of Pot Man 3 by Webmaster.


19th February 2008 - Updates

Four more NES hacks added: Super Naked Badminton, Snow Killers, Pope Hentai's Oaty Invaders and the classic Megafag.


12th February 2008 - Updates

Long time since the last update. I've been busy, what can I say? New stuff will be added more regularly from now on. For today, check out unknown's colossal review of Link Gets Laid. The hack has also been added for anyone who wants to experience the filth for themselves.


18th January 2008 - Updates

Six more choice cuts: Dick & Milk, Gauntlet XXX, Pokemon Pimp - Golden Grills, Satanic Freak Bros, Fucked Up North & South, plus Enigmario (the music-only version of Super Catholic Bros).


8th January 2008 - Updates

Four new hacks added for your pleasure: Killerman, Lil Stoner, Austin Kung Fu and RyanVG's Sex Pot Racing. That's quite a variety.


1st January 2008 - Updates

Happy New Year! Celebrate the dawning of a new era with unknown's review of Super Punk Bros. It will help soothe your hangover, maybe.


24th December 2007 - Merry Christmas!

As promised, a special Christmas Eve update. Behold: Super Catholic Brothers, Dr Floppy's extensive SMB hack that even replaces the original music with Enigma; God Hates You!, unknown's biblically proportioned heretical hack, specially updated; and finally Fucker's Christmas Quest, an ugly and pointless reworking of Fucker's Quest.

That's it until after the holiday season so, on behalf of BHDN, Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to all!


18th December 2007 - Updates

There's a major Christmas Eve update on the way with all manner of wonderful items, so be on the lookout. In the meantime, enjoy these hacks: Questionable Crystalis, SMW: Chaos Complexx, and the strangely titled How to Waste Time on the Internet.


13th December 2007 - Updates

Super Metroid: Justin Bailey v.99b has just been released & Auximines was good enough to let us know. It's now available to download from the hack page.


9th December 2007 - Updates

Multi-platform Samus flesh special! Play the original Metroid trilogy  on NES (Naked Samus), Game Boy (Metroid II: Samus Bares All) and SNES (Super Metroid: Justin Bailey) with a distinctly under-dressed heroine.


4th December 2007 - Updates

Four more hacks added: M.C. Mario & Dick Kids, both of which are M.C. Kids hacks, Inner City Ransom and Dragoon Warrior Fuck Hack. Take a look.


28th November 2007 - New Stuff

A couple of new developments:

1) There is now a 'Features' option in the menu on the left. All reviews, articles & interviews will now be listed on the Features page, as well as being linked to from the News page & individual hack pages as they are currently. It makes them easier to find, okay?

2) Yes, interviews. will now strive to track down hackers & ask them questions in the hope of shedding some light on the story behind their creations. We want information, and we want to share it with you people. This neat idea comes courtesy of unknown, and you can read his interview with Googie here.


22nd November 2007 - Updates

unknown has written a colossal review of Dragon Pervert that covers the different existing versions & attempts to make sense of the history of the hack. Does he get to the bottom of things? Is the Dominatrix finally defeated? Go read the review and find out.


18th November 2007 - Updates

Five more hacks added: Sickey Spice, Skinhead City Kancer, Super Punk Bros, Coke Head Junkie, plus our first non-NES hack, Cokemon for Game Boy / Super Game Boy.


13th November 2007 - Updates

Catman madness! After putting up one of the sequels last update, all hell has broken loose. Go check out Catman, Catman 2, Catman 3 and the special review of Catman 1-4 by Webmaster.


10th November 2007 - Updates

Four more hacks added: Stick River City Ransom, Nude Punch-Out, Super Butt Bros 3 and the puzzling Catman 4.


5th November 2007 - Updates

More computer problems. All in order now. Behold, two more Grimlick hacks up, Orgy Time and Baby Maker, plus the abominable Nazi Dr Mario and a review of Orgy Time by unknown. Knock yourself out.


30th October 2007 - Updates

Delayed by computer meltdown, but here it is as promised. Eight more hacks are up: Adventures in Vancouver BC, Bakuchu Mondai, Basterd Master, Beer-alaga, Pot Man 3, Super Nazi Penis Cartel Freedom Fighters 3, South Park Zelda and Womanbusters II: Katie's Revenge.


24th October 2007 - Updates

Just a quick update this time, a more extensive one is on the way in a couple of days. Two hacks added - Homocop and Googie's The Jehovah's Witnesses - plus a review of Homocop by Webmaster. Enjoy!


21st October 2007 - Updates

Six new hacks added, all of which are Super Mario Bros hacks! Has any other NES game been so heavily abused? Knock yourself out with Acid Bros, Autobot Bros, Bud Bros, Mario Nude, Super Pimp Bros & Super Sperm Bros.


19th October 2007 - Updates

Two new hacks have been added, both by Googie:
Astyanax Remix and Pimpin' Extasy. There's also a review of Astyanax Remix by unknown! Go investigate.


16th October 2007- LAUNCH!

Finally, the site is in full working order. There are only ten hacks up right now but plenty more are on the way. I'll add more as I find time over the next while.

So the aim here is just to provide a place for monster hacks to reside. The puerile and unskilled will not be looked down upon or excluded here. ROM hackers, cut loose & send us something interesting. Non-hackers, play some hacks and feel sick.