Madman Days: A Serious Story for BHDN by unknown

Epilogue: Questionable Things in the World, Like Tom Cruise’s Sexuality

Looking back at this incident, it still boggles my mind.

Living in that dorm the first year, there were all sorts of illegal activity that harmed me physically and were invasive of my privacy. Yet the authority in the school did nothing. No cops showed up, and those frat boys were allowed to stay until the end of the semester. However, all I did was write on bathroom walls, and I am apprehended and detained by police (next to the dorm that smells like pot all the time, of all places), and then forced to leave the school mid-semester “effective immediately”. It’s ridiculous that a school values a bathroom wall more than the living conditions on their campus.

On top of that, the school allows students to act like wild animals—in a city that is already crime ridden—but I am not allowed to have the means to protect myself. I understand this comes from the school’s need to protect their frat boys (a source of tuition revenue) from a school shooting, but it’s pretty much impossible to pull off a Virginia Tech with pepper sprays and a taser.

Then the school infers that is a pornographic website. This is just a hunch, but somehow I get the feeling that the people who make hacks like Megafag and Dick Tales do it for shits and giggles, not masturbatory purposes.

I know this is and there is a lot of screwed up stuff here. But keep this in mind: the screwed up stuff on this website is happening inside of video games, not real life. The screwed up stuff that does happen at the University of Pencey happens in real life and yet the authority there does nothing. However, when they see on a bathroom wall and see the 8-bit depictions of similar screwed up stuff (which is intended for comedic and parody purposes) then they get serious and act as if it is a big deal.

It is possible that I am being unfair by just picking on University of Pencey, because stupid crap like this probably happens in other institutions that advertise “higher education”. But anyone with half a brain should be disturbed when they realise this; these institutions are giving out prestigious degrees to some of the most primal, neanderthalistic, assholish douche bags out there. When these shaven primates use their degrees to climb up corporate ladders and gain power in the world, I doubt the results will be pretty.

So alpha-male-jock-frat-boy types can do drugs, deal drugs, use drugs to date rape naïve girls, and harass and intimidate those weaker than they are, and the police won’t show up. However, a mostly harmless scrawny nerd writes a video game shock humor website on bathroom walls and a whole convoy of police cars show up. Even though the University of Pencey has mandated that I see a shrink, I ask: Am I the one here who is crazy? Or has the entire world gone completely mad?
