Now with 30% less blatant lying

this just in!



For starters, several new ROM hacks have been added

  • Star Luster - Improvement, originally a hack I made solely for myself. It makes Star Luster look less janky.
  • The Simpsons: Return of the Space Mutants which is an unofficial sequel to Bart Vs. the Space Mutants. This is one of the first ROM hacks I ever played.
  • Satanic Duck Hunt is horrible vandalism at it's absolute most unhinged
  • Poo Poo Land is exactly what it sounds like and is one of hundreds of hacks made by author Jackass. Yes, hundreds.
  • Snoopy Magic Show DX colorizes a Game Boy game that absolutely nobody played but you should. It's cute arcade fun.
  • Kirby's Pinball Land DX is a colorized version of the game that started the "pinball spinoff" genre
  • Final Fantasy Adventure DX adds much needed color to the most melodramatic video game in human history. Find me another game where two completely unrelated character have tragic deaths within 10 minutes of the game starting.
  • Dr. Mario DX turns Game Boy Dr. Mario into something worthy of your time.

The Mirror has been updated. The front page had some formatting and text changes to make some things a little bit clearer. I also fixed some problems with links and a few other unspecifiable things. Special thanks to Golden Gun for alerting me to something especially vital that had slipped my mind.

I've also written a review of Crystal Clear. ROM Hacks of Pokemon games never really crossed my mind as something worth playing. This hack has changed my mind on that to a degree I can't even begin to express. If you're looking for a ROM hack with hundreds upon hundreds of hours worth of gameplay, look no further. I won't be hosting it here because it's clear the creator is still working on it. Go get it from from his website.

Finally, I've made the site slightly easier to navigate. There's no reason for the mirror to have it's own tab on the top. It's been moved to the features section.


The Mirror is now open. Seeing as how this site doesn't even exist yet at the time of this writing, I'm not even sure what that means. It's a full blown, functional archive of badhacks as it was before it went down, leading to the creation of multiple revival sites. one of which still exists to this day.

Needless to say, I do not condone, endorse, encourage, or any other synonym for "advocate" anything found on this mirror. It exists as an archive. Much like the former owner, I believe this stuff has a right to exist, and that some of it is genuinely incredible.