Madman Days: A Serious Story for BHDN by unknown

Prologue: All the Vile, Disgusting Aspects of Humanity,  IN ONE CONVENIENT PLACE!

This incident takes place in “Pacific City”. Pacific City is known for having a high crime and is considered to be one of the most depressing cities in the state. As strange as it may sound, it can be described as a “ghetto-redneckville". On one extreme you find the ghetto gangsters, thugs, and drug dealers. On the other extreme you find rightwing white racists and extremist Christian fundamentalists. It is just like how Obi-Wan Kenobi describes Mos Eisley: “You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious”.

Pacific City is so dangerous, that before this incident occurred, a transvestite couple next door got into a domestic dispute, and one of them tried to set the entire block on fire. Luckily the apartment complex I was living in at the time was gated and they couldn’t get in. The police had to shoot one of them to take them down. Afterwards, some other people moved in and it sounded like there was even more trouble brewing. I could hear yelling, cussing, and people threatening to kill each other. My landlady had to call the police on them a few times.

Within Pacific City is a major university called “University of Pencey”. University of Pencey is a very expensive private university, and it is very difficult to get accepted there. You would think that because of this, the people at University of Pencey would be classy and civilized. The sad truth is—University of Pencey is virtually a giant 24/7 adult daycare center for rich spoiled brats.

This is where my story begins.

NEXT> Chapter 1