Madman Days: A Serious Story for BHDN by unknown

Chapter 2: Sentimental Graffiti (No, not the hentai game)

So at this point, I am pretty fucking pissed off at this school. To add to this pissed-offedness, the school raised tuition to build a new “University Center”. The new University Center was a combined bar and cafeteria, and would replace the old cafeteria. This new place served food that was either identical or inferior to the old cafeteria food, but more expensive. On countless occasions I’ve had to stuff my mouth with paper towels during a meal so I can run to the nearest bathroom (or garbage bin) and vomit. Cause nothing says “good morning” like eggs mixed in with a substance that is somewhere between cheese and rotting milk. Oh, and there are big screen Samsung HDTVs in every fucking corner. Apparently, the faggot that designed the place thought that it was necessary for people to see a big expensive HDTV everywhere they look in order to buy food and eat.

The school also took the money from the raised tuition fees and spent thousands of dollars buying virtual land to recreate a scale replica of the campus in Second Life Safari. Yes, that Second Life Safari. A game played by furfags who enact their weird yiff fantasies in a virtual environment.

Since I would be finishing my final year, I thought I should take some revenge on the school before I leave. This school took so much away from me, emotionally and financially. I had no intention of doing anything drastic or violent and becoming an hero. I just wanted to do something small.

I noticed that there is a lot of graffiti on the bathroom stall walls. Some of the graffiti says “[insert name of fraternity] RULES” and “[insert name of another fraternity] ARE FAGGOTS”. I even saw one where it was a giant tongue giving cunnilingus to a naked woman. Then there is even some rightwing Christian graffiti on the walls bashing non-Christians and atheists and quoting Bible verses. This stuff is usually written in pen or carved into the walls.

I decided to put a satirical twist to my anger and join in on this mess. Instead of promoting/bashing a fraternity or a religion, I would simply write the URL of the fabulous n00d Raider hack since I was kinda sorta involved in it.

I would write this down on the bathroom stall wall in the biology department:

No one cleaned it up. No one called the cops. No one gave a damn. And why should they? I was not being violent towards anyone. It is just writing on a bathroom wall. It can be removed with some Windex ®.

And life went on as usual.

I would write this down on the bathroom stall wall in the chemistry department:

No one cleaned it up. No one called the cops. No one gave a damn. And why should they? I was not being violent towards anyone. It is just writing on a bathroom wall. It can be removed with some Windex ®.

And life went on as usual.

And I would write this down on the bathroom stall wall in the engineering department:

No one cleaned it up. No one called the cops. No one gave a damn. And why should they? I was not being violent towards anyone. It is just writing on a bathroom wall. It can be removed with some Windex ®.

And life went on as usual.

I was doing this for so long to the point where it became a habit. Whenever I used the john, I would write down this URL on the stall wall since the school (warning: pun) pisses me off.

Remember that new University Center I mentioned before? I would eat their overpriced food (since there was no other cafeteria on campus anymore) and use their bathrooms after. One evening after eating dinner, I went to the bathroom only to find that one of the stalls I was going to use didn’t even have a lock. I guess the people who made the place think that having a big screen HDTV in every corner is more important than having locks on the stall door for when someone is taking a shit.

I used the next stall over and was writing the n00d Raider URL on the wall when it sounded like someone heavy rushed in and used that stall next to me. I assumed that it was just another student who was probably some big frat boy.

This guy was taking a massive shit and you can definitely hear it (and smell it). Since he was going #2, I assumed that he would be in there for a while and I could leave without him seeing me. So I finished writing on the wall and did my business. When I opened the stall door— immediately after—the door in the stall next to me swung open and the guy left the stall. It turns out he wasn’t some big frat boy student after all, but an old fat redneck janitor. I was not expecting a janitor to be in the building after 5 pm, since they usually clean up in the morning.

While walking to the sink I noticed in the mirror that the guy was scrutinizing me. I didn’t make any eye contact, washed my hands, and left.

I began walking back to my apartment, and got as far as the street between the apartment building and West South. There was a police car parked next to West South, but I didn’t pay attention to it.

I tried to cross the street but no one would slow down (people in Pacific City aren’t exactly the friendliest people in the world). I stood in the street just a little bit away from the sidewalk waiting for someone to let me through, when I heard the police officer in the police car behind me yell over his speaker phone “HEY YOU OVER THERE!!! GET OVER HERE!!!”

I thought the nice police officer was just going to tell me to not stand in the middle of the street like that. Boy, was I wrong.

NEXT> Chapter 3