Making ROM Hacks inconsistently since 2008 or something.

Welcome to Kyos lair

because I feel bad about RHSF

Welcome to the personal webpage of Kyo. Yep, it's just Kyo now. I used to make ROM hacks, but I'm mostly retired from that. Lately, I've been considering rewriting the attrocious dialog in Final Fantasy Adventure, but we'll see. Someone's probably done that already.

Consider this site a place where I personally curate ROM hacks I find amusing, interesting, or otherwise. Alongside that, I'll be writing my thoughts on some of the hacks that I find to be exceptional, insane, or just plain fun. Hell, sometimes things might veer off and I'll end up talking about some wierd Nintendo accessory from 30 years ago. anything goes.

With the death of, things are a bit less centralized now, which is great if you ask me. No single site should be in charge of everything. This site is solely for my own personal tastes. Hacks that make the base game objectively better in some way will be featured along side nonsense vandalizations.

About the RHSF thing, I couldn't do it. I didn't have the skill, nor the will to make any headway on whatever the goal of that site actually was. Furthermore, I'd like to do this on my own, at a scale I'm comfortable with. I think this works.